Monday, February 2, 2009

Qype: Victoria Park in London

London - Arts & Entertainment - Parks

From Mare Street a short walk along the canal bank brings you to the Western end of Victoria Park. It’s quite a traditional park and well cared for, with open lawns, trees and beds full of bushes and roses. Walk further in on the South side and you’ll come to the park’s main lake, where there’s a cafĂ© and toilets. Also lots of water birds waiting for a feed. I once counted a flock of over a hundred coots: black birds with white foreheads which are usually fiercely territorial! Beyond that is a road… but you are not finished. In fact Victoria Park is large enough to have a road running through it. The Eastern end of the park opens out, with sports fields, tree-lined walks, and in the centre a childrens’ play area and enclosure with deer.

All in all, the park is nearly 3 miles round. It’s the venue for fairs, and several good running events. The Victoria Park Harriers have their clubhouse at the East end of the park. Though I’m not a member of the running club I do enjoy the running. Runners have made their own tracks on the grass all the way round (good for those of us who tend to get sore knees on hard paths…) and there’s always someone out for a run. There’s also lots of dogs and kids, but everyone’s well behaved and friendly. You might also get to see mounted police schooling their horses. Victoria isn’t anything earth shaking, but it is a very nice, civilized sort of park.

Check out my review of Victoria Park - I am moonrising - on Qype

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